
Discuss the salient techniques of CLT.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is an approach to language education that emphasizes communication and interaction as both the means and goal of learning a language. CLT encourages students to use the language in authentic and meaningful contexts. Here are some salient techniques associated with CLT:

  1. Task-Based Learning:
    • CLT often incorporates task-based learning where students engage in activities or tasks that require meaningful language use. Tasks can range from problem-solving activities to role-plays, promoting communication and language practice.
  2. Role-Playing:
    • Role-playing is a popular technique in CLT. It involves assigning students specific roles and scenarios to act out, encouraging them to use the target language in realistic situations. This helps develop conversational skills and promotes fluency.
  3. Information Gap Activities:
    • Information gap activities involve situations where students have different pieces of information, and they need to communicate to fill in the gaps. This promotes communication and collaboration as students work together to achieve a common goal.
  4. Pair and Group Work:
    • CLT encourages pair and group work to create opportunities for students to interact with each other. Collaborative activities, discussions, and projects foster a communicative environment where students actively use the language.
  5. Language Games:
    • Incorporating language games into the classroom is a common technique in CLT. Games such as word association, charades, or vocabulary bingo make language learning enjoyable while providing opportunities for communication.
  6. Realia and Authentic Materials:
    • CLT emphasizes the use of authentic materials and real-life contexts. Bringing in realia (real objects) or using authentic materials like newspapers, advertisements, or videos exposes students to the language as it is naturally used in different situations.
  7. Information Sharing:
    • Students are encouraged to share information about themselves, their experiences, and opinions. This promotes personalization of language learning, making it more relevant and engaging for learners.
  8. Role of the Teacher as Facilitator:
    • In CLT, the teacher often takes on the role of a facilitator rather than a dispenser of knowledge. The teacher guides and supports students in their language learning journey, creating an environment conducive to communication.
  9. Use of Technology:
    • Integrating technology, such as online resources, language learning apps, or interactive multimedia, can enhance CLT. Technology provides additional opportunities for authentic language use and exposure.
  10. Focused Communication:
    • CLT emphasizes meaningful communication rather than mere linguistic accuracy. Students are encouraged to convey their messages even if they make language errors. The focus is on effective communication rather than perfect grammar.
  11. Role of Culture:
    • Cultural elements are often integrated into CLT activities, helping students understand not only the language but also the cultural nuances of the language they are learning. This promotes cultural awareness and sensitivity.
  12. Language Learning Journals:
    • Students may maintain language learning journals where they reflect on their language learning experiences, document new vocabulary, and express thoughts in the target language. This reflective practice enhances metacognition.
  13. Situational Contexts:
    • Language learning in CLT is often contextualized within specific situations or scenarios. This helps students apply language skills in practical and relevant contexts, making the learning experience more authentic.
  14. Error Correction in Context:
    • Error correction is done in the context of communication, and teachers prioritize addressing errors that hinder comprehension or effective communication. This approach creates a non-threatening environment for language learners.

These techniques collectively contribute to creating a communicative and interactive language learning environment in which students actively use the language for meaningful purposes. The emphasis is on developing communicative competence, which includes not only linguistic knowledge but also the ability to use language effectively in real-life situations.

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